Ενημέρωση για τις εργασιακές σχέσεις από το διαδίκτυο - Εξωτερικό

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Labour regulation: Addressing the complex realities of post-crisis employment

Labour regulation: Addressing the complex realities of post-crisis employment

Video: Paul Wolfson on minimum wages

Labour market challenges for occupational safety and health

New challenges in modern society for the world of work and OSH

The ILO must lead on the future of work

The ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder, called for a global initiative on the future of work led by the ILO's tripartite constituents. Addressing delegates at the 104th International Labour Conference, he also outlined an agenda that includes a proposed international labour standard on the transition from the informal to formal economy.


The Changing Nature of Jobs

Raymond Torres, Head of the ILO Research department, introduces the new annual flagship report “World Economic and Social Outlook 2015” to be launched by the International Labour Organization on Monday, 18 May.


From Prevention to Protection of Workers: The role of Trade Unions

Modernisation of social protection systems: Stocktaking report on Member States progress on social investment reforms

A report commissioned by the European Commission to the European Social Policy Network of independent experts published today shows that Member States have made progress in implementing reforms toward social investment but there still a lot to be done for the modernisation of the social protection systems across the European Union.



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